I’m The Girl I Want To Be focuses on unpacking our self esteem and how our choices are impacted by how we feel about who we are. Over 8 weeks groups of young women will delve into the following sessions, sharing experiences and opinions with each other.

 Through The Looking Glass

The journey starts here! Find out more about all the fun that will be going on over the next few weeks ahead on I’m The Girl I Want To Be and get to know the other girls who‘ll be here with you. We’ll be looking at individuality and the design features that make you unique.

Mirror Mirror

Most girls, if not every single one of us, have low self esteem at some point. Why? Whether it’s every day, or just on the occasional bad days, we don’t actually need to feel so bad about ourselves.

In this session we’ll be exposing some of the pressures on us for what they are, asking how beauty is defined and looking at how our worst enemy is so often our own mind.

Fashion Victim

We’re discussing fashion, the media, body image and our self image. Who decides the things we wear and the way we look? Are we really in control or does the media have more influence than we realise? What messages do we send out by the way we look and the things we wear and does that match up with what we want to say about ourselves? We’ll look at how we can really enjoy clothes, look great and be exactly the girl we want to be.

Bezzy Mate, Love or Hate

What makes a good relationship? This session will give you the opportunity to discover the building blocks for a great friendship or romance. We are all very different and so so we all bring very different qualities into our relationships and also all need to receive in our own individual way. Discover more about what makes you you and this will help you to understand the opportunities and some of the pitfalls relationships may have.

Sex and the Nitty Gritty

The attitudes, the values, the pressures, the glamour the media portrays about sex and - most important - the reality. People don’t tend to talk honestly about sex but the media shouts about it all the time. Are we getting the right messages from them or are we getting a distorted view? Here in this session we’ll look at the image vs the reality.

Loves Me... Loves Me Not...

The emotions, the relationship and the ability to know when a relationship should become more intimate. These things are our very own choices and we are entitled to give them the most attentive and careful consideration. How can we make sure we don’t make big decisions whilst feeling insecure or under pressure or make choices in 5 seconds that we might not make in the cold light of day. How can we tell if someone really loves us and if they really respect us?

Let’s talk through that before you go on to work out what’s right for you in your relationships.

Dreams, Quests and Prince Charming

What does our dream life look like? Are we meant to aim for a fairytale? Is there a ‘ideal’ and do we have to settle for anything less than perfect? We‘re looking at the merits of being single as well at looking at our bigger life goals and plans. This session gives you some time and space to begin work out exactly what is right for you and to get the confidence and assurance to live out your own ideals from this point onwards.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

In this final session we’ll be looking to what we want for the future and we’ll look back on some of the best bits of this course as we piece together the key things you have discovered and decided over the different sessions. We’ll be having some creative fun with photoshoots and goodie bags to celebrate this grand finale!