Sisu: See-Soo (noun)

Extraordinary endurance in the face of adversity. Persistence, bravery, determination, guts, courage, grit, tenacity, resolve, will power and an indominatable spirit. The strength to get through the things you once thought were impossible to handle. An action mindset giving you the power to see beyond your present situation and into what might be.

What is Sisu about?

This 5 week course aims to provide you with some key tools to help you to tackle stress, anxiety or low moods and manage behaviours, such as disordered eating or deliberate self-harm. The Sisu course runs either in small groups (single or mixed gender) or in 1:1 mentoring sessions and is led by our team of experienced youth workers.

Over the weeks we will be helping you to understand yourself; to discover what triggers positive and negative emotions in you, and to explore your individual needs when you’re facing tough times. Our hope is that you’ll uncover a number of key things you can rely on to help you to feel calm, secure, safe, happy and alive and know how to use them to fight against negative thoughts.   

To take part in Sisu we would ask that you feel ready to face the issues you’ve been struggling with and that you WANT to see a positive change for yourself. We won’t ask you to share these things out loud with the group but there will be plenty of time to think and work through what you’ve been facing and speak 1:1 with one of the team. Sisu is a Finish word best described by this following paragraph… Read ahead, and if this inspires you and describes how you’d like to feel, then it might be just what you need!

How do I access the booking page?

Are you new to Golddigger Trust? Register with us before booking on…

Have you been to Golddigger Trust before but don’t have a login code? Click below and we will send you your log in details. Then you can choose a course at the best time for you and book straight in…

sisu is about managing emotions to help improve mental health for teenagers

“I found this course really helpful because it showed me where my actions and emotions came from.”

sisu is about managing emotions to help improve mental health for teenagers

“Since doing Sisu I have learnt more about my personality and what things stress me out. I have also learnt to accept myself more for who I am, such as how I am more introverted rather than extroverted”

sisu is about managing emotions to help improve mental health for teenagers

Since doing Sisu I have learnt lots about my personality and personalities in general so I find it easier to understand other people in arguments, and just in general.

sisu is about managing emotions to help improve mental health for teenagers

“Since Sisu I understand myself more and what I can do to help myself”